Global Bioenergy Partnership

Woman carrying wood, a forest behind her
International dialogues on forest landscape restoration and wood energy

FAO, in collaboration with IEA Bioenergy  and with the generous funding of GIZ, has organized and guided a number of international and national dialogues on forest landscape restoration and wood energy.


The overall objective of the project was to facilitate the dialogue among stakeholders from both forest land restoration (FLR) and bioenergy communities, two sectors with a limited coordination.


The Dialogues on Forest Landscape Restoration and wood energy held both at international (dedicated Interactive session at the Global Landscape Forum, Accra, 2019) and national level in Togo and Ghana, led to the definition of clear take home messages and paved the way for further follow up activities and coordinated efforts amongst various FAO teams of work, international organizations and National Multi-Stakeholders Working Group (NMSWG) members who have been actively involved in this first Wood energy and FLR joint action.  

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