Global Bioenergy Partnership

A group of people sit together for a photo  at the end of the a workshop
Building capacity in Paraguay and Viet Nam

The GBEP indicators were implemented in Paraguay and Viet Nam under the project “Building Capacity for enhancing bioenergy sustainability through the use of GBEP indicators”. 


The project aimed to: 

  • Assess and enhance the capacity of Paraguay and Viet Nam to measure the GBEP indicators and use them to inform bioenergy policy-making; 

  • learn lessons about how to apply the indicators as a tool for sustainable development and how to enhance the practicality of the tool; 

  • set the basis for the constitution of a national platform for the long-term monitoring of bioenergy sustainability in the beneficiary countries; and 

  • advise policy-makers and engage stakeholders on best practices in bioenergy to maximize sustainability and contribute to adaptation to climate change. 


In Paraguay, the implementation focused on wood energy and sugarcane and corn-based ethanol, while in Viet Nam the analysis centered on biogas and cassava-based ethanol.

The project provided useful evidence to inform decision-making, within the broader context of low-carbon development, in relation to key bioenergy pathways in Paraguay, i.e. forest biomass for energy and ethanol from maize and sugarcane. In each target country, the measurement of the GBEP indicators were carried out by selected national centers of excellence. The project activities were implemented in close consultation with all relevant national stakeholders. To this aim, a multistakeholder working group has been established in both Paraguay and Viet Nam. 

Download the project reports