Global Bioenergy Partnership

Regional forums/workshops on sustainable modern bioenergy

Yemen - A farmer is cleaning the solar power cells of the farm in the targeted area supported by FAO.

Between 2011 and 2013, GBEP carried out an activity on "Regional forums/workshops on sustainable modern bioenergy", led by the United States of America in cooperation with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on West Africa.

The aim was to increase the capacity of developing countries to make the transition to the sustainable production and use of modern bioenergy, especially away from the traditional use of biomass.  Under the auspices of the GBEP Working group on capacity building for sustainable bioenergy, a series of regional workshops and conferences were developed collaboratively with GBEP partners and observers to promote the sustainable production and use of modern bioenergy, assist countries in assessing their bioenergy resources including through geospatial imaging satellite technology, improve the productivity of bioenergy feedstocks through better agricultural practices, and increase the efficiency and output of bioenergy conversion processes.

This initiative contributed to the development of the ECOWAS Regional Bioenergy Strategy Framework that was officially adopted at the 11th meeting of the ECOWAS Energy Ministers held in Accra, Republic of Ghana, on 31 October 2012.

The Activity Group successfully concluded its work in December 2013. A final report of this activity was developed.