Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar: Biogenic CO2 use and storage

Enhancing the circularity and climate benefits of biogas

Virtual Event, 15/04/2024

Biogenic CO2 use and storage webinar

Biogenic CO2 is the carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from the decomposition, digestion or combustion of biomass. Bio-CO2 produced in the biogas industry can be employed in carbon capture, utilization and storage (bio-CCUS) both for the long-term storage of carbon and for the production of other biomaterials, chemicals or fuels.

This webinar will look at how bio-CCUS from biogas can contribute to climate mitigation, analysing novel pathways for the use of bio-CO2 for clean biofuels and commodity chemicals. The webinar will also examine the sustainability considerations of these approaches, as well as the market potential.

Biogenic CO2 use and storage: Enhancing the circularity and climate benefits of biogas is hosted by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) as part of the Scope of Work of Activity Group 7, under the thematic area of ‘Biogas’. More information and other webinars on this theme can be found on the GBEP website.


14.00 – 14.05Brief introduction to webinar and presentation of speakers

Constance Miller,
GBEP Secretariat

14.05 – 14.25Bio-CO2 from biogas: status, opportunities and challenges. The case of CooCE project on CCUS

Rocio Diaz-Chavez, Imperial College, London

14.25 – 14.40Case study

Bettina Müller and Isabella Porqueddu, BTS Biogas

14.40 – 15.00Q&A and discussionTiziana Pirelli,
GBEP Secretariat