Global Bioenergy Partnership

Learning from successful case studies on biogas in Asia

Virtual Event, 09/09/2021

Banner saying: "GBEP Webinar 2021 Biogas"

GBEP Webinar Series 2021: Biogas


Biogas, produced through anaerobic digestion of organic matter, can provide flexible modern bioenergy services for power generation, transport, heating and cooling, and cooking. It can represent a more sustainable alternative to traditional biomass use or fossil fuels. Anaerobic digestion is an established technology but its uptake in some developing countries has been slow. It is necessary to understand the main factors that affect the success of biogas in order for policies and projects to be developed to deliver sustainable renewable energy.
This webinar focuses on biogas in Asia, with case studies from the Philippines and Japan. In the Philippines, the presentation focuses on commercial uses for rice straw and how co-designing biogas business plans with local communities can create opportunities for jobs, training and livelihood improvements. In Japan, the presentation dives into research techniques for analysing the success of biogas business models.
The discussion session considers how the lessons learnt from these case studies can be used to advance successful sustainable development of biogas in the region and beyond. The webinar is hosted by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) as part of the Scope of Work of Activity Group 7, under the thematic area of ‘Biogas’.

The webinar features interventions by Mirjam Röder (Aston University, UK), Craig Jamieson (Straw Innovations Ltd.) and Takashi Hayashi (MAFF, Japan).