Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar: Understanding wood energy data and model estimates

Virtual Event, 12/09/2023

wood chunks numbered, to ensure responsible sourcing


Accurate data availability is essential for ensuring the sustainable and responsible utilization of wood energy, therefore maximizing its benefits. This webinar aims to improve the understanding and explore the challenges regarding wood energy data at the global level, as well as showcase the general methods that can be used to estimate fuels used for household cooking

In fact, data availability plays a crucial role in understanding wood energy value chains, and supporting an efficient and sustainable use of wood energy as a renewable energy source.

Accessible and reliable data enables researchers, energy planners and policymakers to produce more accurate estimates, make science-based decisions, develop appropriate policies, and design sustainable wood energy strategies. Key data points include the availability and sustainability of woody biomass supply, the efficiency of wood energy conversion technologies and their related emissions profiles, and the socioeconomic impact of wood energy use. Comprehensive, context specific and updated data on wood energy provides insights into its potential as a renewable energy solution, assists in evaluating its environmental footprint, and supports the development of efficient and inclusive wood energy value chains.