Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar: Alternatives to woodfuel for restoring forest landscapes

Virtual Event, 17/04/2023

Woodfuel is a crucial energy source in developing countries, with 2.3 billion people globally relying on woodfuel as their primary source of energy for cooking and heating. However, unsustainable woodfuel use can drive deforestation, leaving forest landscapes degraded. It is urgent to seek alternative energy sources and gradually transition away from this traditional biomass use.

This webinar will look at two case studies in Ghana and Indonesia, where woodfuel use is prevalent. The case studies will highlight how alternatives to woodfuel can reduce the unsustainable harvesting of wood, thereby helping to restore forest landscapes and support sustainable livelihoods.

The webinar is hosted by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) as part of the Activity Group 4 "Towards sustainable modern wood energy development".



10:00–10:05 Brief introduction to webinar and speakers –  Constance Miller, GBEP Secretariat

10:05–10:25 Bioenergy for landscape restoration and livelihoods: Case studies from Indonesia – Dr. Himlal Baral, CIFOR

10:25–10:45 Grass charcoal as an alternative to woodfuel: case study from Ghana – Prof. David Millar, Millar Institute for Transdisciplinary and Development Studies

10:45–11:10 Discussion session –  Moderator: Tiziana Pirelli, GBEP Secretariat

11:10–11:15 Concluding remarks – Constance Miller, GBEP Secretariat