Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar: Promoting anaerobic digestion for waste management

Promoting anaerobic digestion for waste management

Virtual Event, 16/05/2023

Management and disposal of wastes is a major global problem. Anaerobic digestion offers opportunities not only to minimise waste volumes but also to recover embodied energy in the form of biogas and biomethane.

This webinar looked at policy incentives that are available to increase the installation of biogas plants in Europe and provide a case study from France. Furthermore, the webinar presented a methodology for understanding the replicability of national policies so that the discussion can focus on the application of these practical and policy cases in other regions.



10:00 – 10:05 Brief introduction to webinar and presentation of speakers Constance Miller, GBEP Secretariat

10:05 – 10:20 Policies to incentivize biogas production from wastes and residues – European case studies (Lucile Sever, European Biogas Association)

10:20 – 10:30 Production of biomethane from agro-industrial wastes – case study of an innovative technology from France (Geoffrey Karakachian, ENGIE)

10:30 – 10:40 MEETS Methodology – understanding the replicability of national biomethane policies
(Stefano Proietti, ISINNOVA)

10:40 – 11:00 Q&A and exchange of lessons learned Tiziana Pirelli, GBEP Secretariat