Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar: Strategies and public policies around bioeconomy and bioenergy

Virtual Event, 06/10/2020

Screenshot of the webinar Webinar on strategies and public policies around bioeconomy and bioenergy

The webinar deals with strategies and public policies around bioeconomy and bioenergy in the United States, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Argentina and Africa. The webinar features interventions by Hugo Chavarría (IICA), George Frisvold (Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, USA), Justus Wesseler (Wageningen University and Research WUR, Netherlands), Eduardo Trigo (IICA), Miguel Almada and Maria Murmis (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Argentina) and Julius Ecuru (Head of BioInnovate Africa, Kenya).