Global Bioenergy Partnership

Webinar on Ethanol as a clean cooking fuel in East Africa

Virtual Event, 11/12/2023

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In terms of household energy access, there are still 2.3 billion people who lack access to clean cooking. This reliance on traditional biomass for cooking can have debilitating social and economic impacts, as well as consequences for the environment due to GHG emissions, air pollution, deforestation and landscape degradation.

Innovative technologies for the provision of modern clean energy in the household, such as improved feedstocks and cookstoves, can help alleviate pressures on natural ecosystems and restore diverse ecological, social and economic functions of landscapes. Modern clean cooking value chains also have beneficial impacts for human well-being, creating new job opportunities for the production, establishment and maintenance of the new technologies, and diversifying farmer income from the production, collection and processing of biomass into solid or liquid biofuel. Furthermore, the adoption of these technologies reduces the production of smoke and indoor air pollution to which women and children are particularly exposed.

Among the various clean cooking technologies, ethanol cookstoves have emerged in recent years as one of the most valuable and accepted bioenergy options. This webinar will explore the market opportunities for the production and use of ethanol as a clean cooking fuel in East Africa.

The webinar is hosted by the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) as part of the Scope of Work of Activity Group 8, under the thematic area of ‘Advanced liquid biofuels’.


10:00-10:10IntroductionRocio Diaz Chavez, Imperial College London
10:10-10:30Promoting rural development through the production of fuel ethanol in UgandaPraviin Kekal, Managing Director, Bukona Agro
10:30-10:50Creating a market for ethanol clean cooking – experiences from KOKO NetworksHanaan Marwah, Chief Investment and Strategy Officer, KOKO networks
10:50-11:20Q&A and exchange of lessons learnedTiziana Pirelli, GBEP Secretariat