FAO Governing Bodies

170th Session of the FAO Council | 13–17 June 2022

Introductions to Agenda Items

Agenda Item
Item 3
Programme Implementation Report 2020-21
Item 4
FAO thematic Strategy on Climate Change
Item 5
FAO thematic Science and Innovation Strategy
Item 6
Impact of the Ukraine-Russia conflict on global food security and related matters under the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Item 7
Update on FAO’s Response to COVID19: Building to transform
Item 8
Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative
Item 9: Regional Conferences
                 Item 9.1
Report of the 32nd session of the Regional Conference for Africa (Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, 11-14 April 2022)
                 Item 9.2
Report of the 36th session of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8-11 March 2022)
                 Item 9.3
Report of the 33rd session of the Regional Conference for Europe (Łódź, Poland, 10-13 May 2022)
                 Item 9.4
Report of the 37th session of the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (Quito, Ecuador, 28 March-1 April 2022)
                 Item 9.5
Report of the 36th session of the Regional Conference of the Near East (Baghdad, Iraq, Senior Officers Meeting 10-13 January 2022 and Ministerial Meeting 7-8 February 2022)
                 Item 9.6
Report of the seventh informal Regional Conference for North America (United States of America, 12-14 April 2022)
Item 10
Report of the Joint Meeting of the 133rd session of the Programme Committee and 191st session of the Finance Committee (May 2022)
Item 11
Report of the 133rd Session of the Programme Committee (16-20 May 2022)
Item 12
Reports of the 189th (17 December 2021), 190th (18 February 2022) and 191st (16-20 May 2022) sessions of the Finance Committee
Item 13
Report of the 115th session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (21-23 March 2022)
Item 15
Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN Governance of FAO’s statistical and other data activities and their alignment with the cross-cutting FAO policies on Protection of Data and Intellectual Property Rightsentities 
Item 17
Restoration by the Conference of the voting rights of Member Nations in arrears in the payment of their financial contributions to the Organization
Item 18
Resumption of the Management and Administrative Review of FAO by the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations