Global Bioenergy Partnership

Towards sustainable modern wood energy development

Woman cooking using traditional woodfuel, which causes unhealthy smokes

Wood remains the primary source of fuel for 2.3 billion people, but traditional woodfuel use can have negative impacts on the environment, as well as human health and livelihoods. To be sustainable, woodfuel needs to be responsibly sourced and processed to increase its efficiency and reduce its emissions. 

The Activity Group on Sustainable modern wood energy development, led by FAO, promotes the adoption of sustainable management practices and efficient technologies for the production and use of modern wood energy and improved solid biofuels that can replace traditional energy forms, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pressure on forest resources. 

The Activity Group is currently focusing on building concensus on carbon accounting for wood energy.

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Accra (Ghana), Accra (Ghana), 27/01/2020 - 28/01/2020

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