One Health

© FAO/Olympia de Maismont

Strengthening disease surveillance systems, laboratory capacity, and staff skills in public health emergency preparedness and coordination in Burkina Faso

Implementation arrangements and key components

The One Health Technical Secretariat, created by the Ministry of Health and composed of professionals from the key ministries, will lead project implementation. It will work closely with ministerial focal points and other stakeholders such as civil society organizations throughout the life of the project. 

The key components of this project align with the technical benchmarks of Burkina Faso’s most recent Joint External Evaluation and Performance of Veterinary Services evaluations. Implementing Entity involvement is shown under each component. The Project will also collaborate with existing organizations in the country.  

Project objectives

The primary objective of the Project is to strengthen Burkina Faso’s capacity to manage public health emergencies through a One Health approach and to meet International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 requirements by 2026.

Expected outcomes

The project is expected to strengthen Burkina Faso’s capacity to reduce the health and socio-economic impacts of potential disease outbreaks while improving coordination across animal, environmental, and human health sectors.  

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Pandemic Fund

FAO will co-lead the implementation of 12 projects aimed to boost local and global health security as part of the Pandemic Fund’s first round of financing.

© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
Pandemic Fund Call

Pandemic Fund Second Call: FAO underlines its commitment to supporting countries to strengthen a One Health approach to pandemic prevention


Global fight against pandemics gains momentum as projects launch with FAO support

The first of Pandemic Fund projects launched at national level, including Ethiopia, Paraguay, Central Asia countries, and Yemen.