One Health

 © FAO:Michael Tewelde

Health emergencies preparedness and response strengthening in Togo



The Project’s objective is to strengthen the preparedness and resilience of the Togolese public health system to health emergencies. The Project’s specific objectives are to:

  1. strengthen the system of detection, early warning and response to epidemics and pandemics
  2. improve the functionality and quality of the national laboratory network for the diagnosis of diseases with epidemic potential
  3. strengthen capacity in both human and animal health for public health emergency preparedness.
Implementation arrangements and key components

A National Steering Committee will be established to monitor the implementation of project activities. Government participation includes the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Ministry of Economy (including Customs and the National Directorate of Public Procurement), the Ministry of Security, including the National Agency for Civil Protection, the decentralized administrative authorities, and the port and maritime authorities. The Project supports activities under three main components. Implementing Entity support is indicated under each component.

Expected outcomes

Improvements in early warning and response systems to disease outbreaks, in the national laboratory network for disease diagnosis, and in workforce capacity in the human and animal health sectors are expected to reduce the health, social, and economic impact of future health emergencies in Togo. Efforts to mobilize additional domestic and external resources are expected to result in sustained and expanded investments in PPR over time.

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Pandemic Fund

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© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
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