One Health


Strengthening pandemic preparedness for early detection (SPEED) in Nepal


The Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness for Early Detection in Nepal (SPEED) Project aims to strengthen the country's surveillance, laboratory system, and human resources for a strong, resilient, and sustainable health security system. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

The GON coordinated among its ministries (Health, Agriculture and Livestock, Finance, Water Supply) and the three IEs to design activities to address the recommended priorities from the 2022 Joint External Evaluation (JEE) and the Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) gap analysis and report (2011, 2008). Project design considers ongoing related activities supported by other donors including the EU, Global Fund, and USAID, among others, so that project activities are complementary. A Technical and High-Level Coordination Committee, established by the GON, will guide the implementation of SPEED and its core components.

Expected outcomes

Within the three-year implementation period, SPEED supported activities will result in increased JEE, PVS, and SPAR scores for surveillance, laboratory, and workforce. With more timely detection, notification and response in Nepal, the health, social and economic impact of potential outbreaks/epidemics will be reduced, especially for the most marginalized and vulnerable subgroups.


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© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
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