One Health

© FAO:Marco Longari

Strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response in West Bank and Gaza


The project is intended to close the critical gaps in surveillance, laboratory capacity, and human resources/governance/multi-sector coordination in order to support effective implementation of PPR in West Bank and Gaza’s context.

Implementation arrangements and key components

The Strengthening Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response in West Bank and Gaza Project will be managed by a PPR Steering Committee, with the MOH as the lead in coordination and decision-making. The proposed PPR Steering Committee will include all relevant partners for One Health including civil society organizations (CSOs). It will be the collective responsibility of the four Implementing Entities to periodically report progress to the PPR Steering Committee and to support a unified monitoring and evaluation system plan that includes a joint mid-term review and an end-term evaluation.

Expected outcomes

Aligned with the  Pandemic Fund’s Results Framework, the Project ultimately aims to reduce the health, social and economic impact of pandemics in West Bank and Gaza by addressing critical gaps identified in PPR-related assessments. It is expected to improve SPAR and PVS scores by 20% by the end of the three-year project. Through the improvement of rapid characterization and confirmation of diseases and increased efficiency of laboratory systems to detect pathogens of epidemic potential, the Project will improve capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks. Additionally, the Project is expected to strengthen readiness to respond with cross-sectoral collaboration by establishing mechanisms of coordination across sectors using the One Health approach. The Project is expected to incentivize additional PPR investments.

Find out more
Pandemic Fund

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© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
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