One Health


Cambodia pandemic prevention preparedness and response (CamPPR)


The overall goal of CamPPR is to increase preparedness, prevention, and response to public health emergencies with a pandemic potential in Cambodia and the region through a One Health approach and to increase the capability and capacity of surveillance, laboratory services, and human resources. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

Project implementation will be carried out by a collaboration between the Ministries of Health, Finance, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Environment, as well as the AIIB/ADB, FAO, and the World Bank, with each partner drawing on different strengths and mandates. An Inter-sectoral Taskforce comprising representatives from different sectors will be established to oversee implementation of the project’s workplan, to maintain accountability among partners and Implementing Entities, and to collaboratively develop policy and joint risk assessments. The Taskforce will also support progress sharing among the key stakeholders including civil society organizations, community-based organizations, and vulnerable groups.   Project implementation builds on and complements related investments including an AIIB/ADB-financed project that supports construction of infrastructure critical to advance livestock value chains and protect the population against pathogen spillover into humans, several World Bank-financed health projects, and FAO support to policy and regulations development and capacity building with Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.

Expected outcomes

The Project is expected to achieve the following outcomes: improved disease surveillance through standardized risk communication protocols that are coordinated and collaborated across sectors for an efficient response to public health threats; strengthened capacity within laboratory systems with the most up-to-date technology, biosafety and information/data sharing practices; and improved workforce capacity for detection, preparedness and response for emerging and re-emerging diseases of epidemic potential.  These anticipated outcomes are all linked to project activities intended to address the critical gaps identified in the JEE and PVS assessments. 

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© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
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