One Health

© FAO:Marco Longari

Pandemic preparedness and response project in Yemen


The overall project objective is to protect and improve the health and well-being of the Yemeni people, livestock and ecosystem by strengthening Yemen’s ability to prevent, detect and rapidly respond to endemic and pandemic threats.  Specific project objectives include: strengthening early warning and disease surveillance; strengthening the capacity of laboratory systems; strengthening of workforce capacity; and improving multisectoral coordination and accountability. 

Implementation arrangements and key components

Project implementation support provided by the IEs will be done in collaboration with the central and governorate authorities in Yemen. The ultimate responsibility for successful implementation will rest jointly with the IEs, the MOPHP, and the MAIF. Civil society organizations will serve both as delivery partners and as monitors of project implementation and accountability. For example, Abs Development Organization for Women and Child (ADO) will support the engagement of different vulnerable groups including Muhamasheen (an ethnic group in Yemen that suffers from systematic discrimination), internally-displaced people, women, and people with disabilities, in data collection and education to strengthen community-based surveillance and early warning systems. 

Expected outcomes

Project support is expected to improve Yemen’s capacity in disease prevention, early warning, detection and response through a One Health approach. This will be evident in an increase in Yemen’s scores on its annual SPAR and JEE. Progress in these areas will improve Yemen’s ability to mobilize additional financing for PPF. Longer term, the Project is expected to reduce the socio-economic impact of epidemic and pandemic-prone events on vulnerable and marginalized groups and contribute to improved health, livelihoods, and food security. 

Find out more
Pandemic Fund

FAO will co-lead the implementation of 12 projects aimed to boost local and global health security as part of the Pandemic Fund’s first round of financing.

© Brent Stirton/Getty Images for FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, WCS
Pandemic Fund Call

Pandemic Fund Second Call: FAO underlines its commitment to supporting countries to strengthen a One Health approach to pandemic prevention


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The first of Pandemic Fund projects launched at national level, including Ethiopia, Paraguay, Central Asia countries, and Yemen.