Livestock and enteric methane



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Experts from various fields share their knowledge and insights on the road to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). At the heart of climate action, agrifood system solutions help to build resilience, adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while safeguarding biodiversity and ensuring food security for all.


This video captures the essence of innovative discussions and transformative initiatives to address the pressing issues of livestock, climate change, and methane emission reduction in Asia and the Pacific. Participants of the FAO regional workshop “Enhancing national climate actions to reduce methane emissions in livestock systems in Asia and the Pacific...


Les éructations des animaux d’élevage sont un réel problème pour la planète. Lorsque les vaches et d’autres ruminants mangent, les aliments fermentent dans leurs intestins et produisent du méthane entérique. Il s’agit d’un puissant gaz à effet de serre que les animaux expulsent en éructant.