Livestock and enteric methane

Afrique de l'Est

L'élevage est un secteur économique clé et l'une des principales sources de revenus des petits exploitants agricoles et des éleveurs d'Afrique de l'Est. Il y représente environ 26pourcent du PIB agricole. Ici, l’élevage ne fournit pas seulement une sécurité alimentaire, un revenu et un emploi, mais il est également associé à des valeurs culturelles, sociales et religieuses. Ensemble, l'Éthiopie, le Kenya, la Tanzanie et l'Ouganda détiennent près de 40pourcent du total du cheptel bovin de l'Afrique, lequel, avec plus de 120 millions d'animaux, est le plus important de la région. En Afrique de l'Est, les vaches laitières produisent environ 11 millions de tonnes de lait par an et sont réparties sur une superficie de plus de 118 millions d'hectares. La consommation de lait varie considérablement entre les pays d'Afrique de l'Est, mais le lait représente en moyenne 80pourcent de l'approvisionnement total en aliments d'origine animale.

Points forts
Enhancing policy coherence and institutional capacity on livestock climate actions in Kenya

Livestock plays a pivotal role in Kenya's economy, supporting the livelihoods of a significant portion of the population. However, the sector faces...

Stakeholders in the United Republic of Tanzania highlighted the role of livestock in addressing climate change

Stakeholders in the United Republic of Tanzania have emphasized the critical role of livestock in addressing climate change. A national workshop,...

Addressing enteric methane to strengthen livestock climate actions in Kenya

FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of Kenya will organize a stocktaking workshop to address...

Bringing together stakeholders to discuss livestock climate actions in Tanzania

FAO organizes a national stakeholder workshop to support livestock-related nationally determined contributions in Tanzania.

A collaborative push for climate action: Aligning livestock policies with nationally determined contributions in Kenya

Aligning livestock policies with the nationally determined contributions...

Enhancing livestock climate actions in Rwanda

Livestock stakeholders in Rwanda recently convened to discuss the outcomes of the assessment conducted on livestock climate...

Kenya commits to boost livestock climate actions

The current climate crisis is affecting Kenya’s livestock sector in an unprecedented way. A recent drought has put more than half of Kenya’s land...

Flexible Voluntary Contribution funds support countries to enhance climate actions in the livestock sector

Sustainable livestock systems can be a major player in the fight against climate change, poverty and food insecurity. By addressing climate change in...

Another step forward to enhance livestock climate actions in Kenya

With a livestock population of over 146 million, livestock play an important socio-economic role in Kenya. Yet, the livestock sector is also one...

Finding climate solutions in the livestock sector

Five key takeaways from FAO regional workshops on climate action in the livestock sector

Climate and Clean Air Coalition ministers approve strategy to significantly cut short-lived climate pollutants this decade

To kickstart the CCAC's 2030 Strategy countries pledged an initial $25 million to the Coalition’s trust fund as a first step towards a $150 million...

New IPCC Report Bolsters Evidence that Methane Reductions are Key to Preventing Climate Catastrophe

The IPCC amplifies the conclusions of CCAC-UNEP Global Methane Assessment, showing the urgent need to reduce methane in parallel with decarbonization.

The CCAC shows agriculture is key to the success of climate change and air pollution Solutions

Ten years ago, it was uncommon for agriculture to be seen as a major contributor to the global climate crisis, let alone as part of the solution....

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